Not sure why SOPA is bad but too lazy to skim the articles? My fave videos explaining the ramifications of SOPA.
Video #1: The Oatmeal
My personal favorite, an absolutely hysterical take on what SOPA would mean for content creators like you and me if enacted as currently written by comic genius Matt Inman of The Oatmeal:
Video #2: Clay Shirkey
Clay Shirkey, Internet activist, NYU professor and author of Here Comes Everybody, giving his TEDsalon talk in New York on the history of music, image and video copyright rights.
The real threat to the enactment of PIPA and SOPA is our ability to share things with one other. What PIPA and SOPA risk doing is taking a centuries old concept, innocent until proven guilty and reversing it--guilty until proven innocent... the threat is this inversion of the burden of proof.
Video #3 Ben Huh of Cheezburger
And proving yet again that the proponents of the bills haven't actually read them thoroughly and only have a vague idea of what the bill's intent is, rather than how it would actually be applied as written, Ben Huh, CEO of Cheezburger, takes on Rick Cotton of NBC Universal.
And just in case you do want to read more detail, Wired has a great post questioning the economics of copyright infringement and how much the motion picture and music industries are actually suffering.